Read our latest news items and stay up to date on the developments of our work in Greece.
In this blog, volunteer Kathrin gives a glimpse of the living conditions and work on Lesvos by sharing her personal expe…
Boat Refugee Foundation offers training to other humanitarian organisations. By sharing our expertise, we contribute to …
On the brink of a new year, we look back as well as forward. 2022 presented us with considerable challenges.
During their flight, people are often not seen as human beings but as a problem. Every human being needs to be treated a…
After his retirement, Leopold wanted to be there for people in need. So in 2018, he linked up with our organization as a…
Due to the unfair policies of the European Union, people on the move face many obstacles. With the proposed EU regulatio…
"A year on Lesvos brings great change," the EU Commission's Department for Migration and Home Affairs looks back on its …
Mental health problems are prevalent in displaced populations, and while many people may have different ethnic or religi…
Since April, in a shelter in Krakow's old railway station, we have been providing emergency medical assistance to people…
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