Completing our medical
mission in Poland:
a retrospective
Since April, in a shelter in Krakow's old railway station, we have been providing emergency medical assistance to people who have fled Ukraine. Recently, the flow of refugees from Ukraine into Poland decreased. Therefore, the shelter where we provide emergency medical care will be closed in the near future. The local community, the local healthcare system and other aid organizations are able to handle the demand for medical care themselves again. This means that we are no longer needed and will soon conclude our medical activities in Krakow with peace of mind.
We feel it is important that the organizations that take over care from us can also provide first aid while we are away. Before our medical team leaves Krakow, it therefore focuses on transferring our work, knowledge and experience to local organizations. This way we make it clear to which parties they can refer patients and donate our medication. By providing training, we contribute to the knowledge and skills of these organizations.
We are happy that we have been able to provide medical care in a place where many people have traveled. And that we were thus able to relieve the Polish medical system, which was not prepared for the large numbers of people who had to flee. Currently we are actively investigating whether our help is needed in other places in Eastern Europe.
We are very grateful to all the team members and volunteers who made it possible for us to also in Poland provide the help to which every person is entitled! We would also like to thank our donors: only thanks to your loyal support and commitment can we continue to be ready for people on the move!