Home News & Stories EU Commission: “Thanks to NGO’s like Boat Refugee Foundation, there is 24/7 medical care”

EU Commission: “Thanks to NGO’s like Boat Refugee Foundation, there is 24/7 medical care”

13 Oct

"A year on Lesvos brings great change," the EU Commission's Department for Migration and Home Affairs looks back on its visit to Mavrovouni refugee camp on Lesvos. The EU Commission appreciates our efforts on behalf of the people in the camp.

“Many people staying in Mavrovouni have escaped war, political or domestic violence, sometimes even slavery. People who need mental health care can visit psychologists. The Boat Refugee Foundation (BRF) also gave training to the camp staff on how to support people with mental health problems.”


Our former MHPSS coordinator Mehdi comments: “People with psychological complaints actually have very human reactions to unimaginable amounts of stress and exposure to violence. In our training, we addressed different causes of stress that come from being forced to flee and explore how to deal constructively with people in distress.”

We are happy that our work is also seen and appreciated by the European Commission. This strengthens our motivation to be there for people on the move!


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