vrijwilliger van Stichting Bootvluchteling in mobiele kliniek
Home Volunteer with us

Volunteer with us

Since 2015, more than 3,500 volunteers and employees have helped us make a difference in Greece. Would you like to work with us as well? Take a look at our volunteering opportunities.

Great that you want to volunteer with us. We are looking for volunteers all year round who want to work in Greece. Check below to see if there is a position that suits you and sign up. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Who are we looking for?

  • Medical volunteers

    We are looking for different types of doctors and (psychiatric) nurses.

  • Psychosocial volunteers

    Are you a mental health professional like a (junior or senior) psychologist, psychiatrist, or mental health nurse specialist? Then sign up for our MHPSS team.

  • Support crew

    As a support crew, you will support our teams with all kinds of practical tasks and welcome our service users.

  • Interpreter volunteers

    Do you speak Farsi or Arabic and are you able to translate into English? Then come join our team on Lesvos!

More info & sign up

Get involved

Get involved in our mission. Stay informed about our work and become a donor. Only with your help we can offer support to people seeking refuge.

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