People before borders!

Every day, our team is confronted with the degrading conditions in Greek refugee camps. We see the lack of basic needs and care, exposure to violence, long asylum procedures and hopelessness that drives to despair. Eight years after the EU-Turkey deal, the rights of people on the move are still being violated.

That is why we are suing the Dutch state!

“We saw the harrowing effects of the deal on a daily basis in our clinic on Lesbos. Our team could barely cope with the enormous need for emergency medical and psychological care. Such deals should never be made again.”

Esther Vonk | Director Boat Refugee Foundation

Read our press release

Stop concluding migration deals at the expense of human lives

Today, together with Amnesty International the Netherlands and Defence for Children, we are suing the Dutch state for the terrible consequences of the EU-Turkey deal concluded in 2016. Because the EU-Turkey deal has far-reaching implications for tens of thousands of people who were and are trapped in refugee camps on the Greek islands.

We realise that going to court is a heavy decision. We are not doing this because we like going to court but because it is the only remedy left. We want to prevent migration deals that do not focus on human rights. We want countries to comply with European and international treaties and laws.

Learn more

Become a dealbreaker too!

The EU-Turkey deal. Never again, you would think. But unfortunately, the reality is different. Because the EU-Turkey deal is still being used as a blueprint for new deals. As if it was a blazing success. While tens of thousands of people survived in terrible conditions for months or years.

This has to stop!

Join our campaign. Become a dealbreaker and say: Never again a deal at the expense of people on the move!

I will be a dealbreaker!

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