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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about our work, our points of view or how you can help? In our FAQ you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Do you have a question about our work, our points of view or how you can help? In the section below you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions. Click on the question to reveal the answer.

Thank you for wanting to help! All year round we welcome volunteers who want to help out in Greece. Besides this, a financial contribution would be very helpful; our foundation depends on donations. Also, you could organize an activity that brings the situation to people’s attention. Please click here to read about the different things you could do.

Thank you for wanting to volunteer! Please check out our page with job openings to see if there is one that fits you. That is also where you can sign up. Once we’ve received your application, our screening employee will contact you within several days.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for information about new activities and petitions that you can take part in.

You can follow the most current developments in our work on social media. We are active on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. You can also sign up for our monthly newsletter, to receive the most recent updates.

Thank you for wanting to donate medication. The medication required on Lesbos often changes. Please send an email to for a current list of what we require. Boat Refugee Foundation does not distribute goods or clothes. We do have other Dutch humanitarian organizations that do this. For example, you can reach out to Because We Carry or Christian Refugee Relief.

On Lesbos unfortunately we don’t have room for internships or graduation projects. Because we are dealing with a vulnerable group of people who often come with a traumatic background, we require professionals with a minimum of two years working experience. Also, our team on Lesbos doesn’t have room to support interns. In the Netherlands we work with a small team, which often eliminates the need for interns. The options for doing a graduation project are very limited. If there is no specific job opening, then unfortunately we’re not looking for an intern or researcher at the moment.

Thank you for wanting to support our work financially. You could make a one-time donation or become a periodic donator. Besides this it is possible to lock down a donation for multiple years or support us as a company or (church) organization. Check out the possibilities here. In case this doesn’t answer your question, please reach out to

Boat Refugee Foundation offers medical and psychosocial (emergency) care, which is supported by our donations. Please read our annual reports to learn more about our spend.

Do you want to increase or decrease your periodic donation? Change the frequency or stop the donation altogether? Please send an email to and we will process your change request as soon as possible.

Is there a change to your account number? Unfortunately, we cannot withdraw from your new account number automatically. Please send an email with your new bank account number to

Yes, you can! Besides iDeal or a direct bank transfer you can also donate via credit card or PayPal. Please visit our donation page if you want to donate.

Yes, that is correct! If you have agreed to transferring a one-time or periodic donation, this is done by Mollie, our collection partner.

The master account of Boat Refugee Foundation is NL97 RBRB 0918 9326 37. Besides this, Boat Refugee Foundation has a Tikkie account which is linked to NL60 ABNA 0249 9123 17.

Boat Refugee Foundation offers medical and psychosocial (emergency) care to refugees who will otherwise be forgotten. At the moment we do this on the Greek island of Lesbos and in Athens. Please visit this page to read more about our current events.

We offer emergency care to people on the move. Our medical and psychosocial care contributes to a worthy existence. Besides this we actively contribute to perception, awareness and advocacy. As we witness the violation of human rights on a daily basis, we feel responsible to advocate what we see and hear. We do this both in the (social) media and by lobbying at political level.

Our foundation started providing in urgent needs that were not yet fulfilled by existing humanitarian organizations. We chose to provide very tangible, practical help to vulnerable refugees, where this is needed. Where possible we work together with other organizations that are present in the same locations. In the past 8 years we have developed a large expertise in delivering medical and psychosocial aid. By focusing on these two areas we can make a difference where this is most needed.

All across the world people are on the move. In an ideal situation all of these people would be supported. Being a foundation with limited resources we have to make choices. Because of the immediate need and our ability to provide focused care, our focus at the moment is on the Greek island of Lesbos and in Athens. In future we might expand our operations.

As long as the need remains and we have the people and resources, we will help out on Lesbos. At the moment it is unclear for how long this will be necessary. In the future we might expand or move our operations to other countries and regions.

While we work mostly with our own volunteers, we consult and discuss on an ongoing basis with organizations like the UNHCR, Doctors without Borders, Doctors of the World, IRC and the Red Cross. This allows us to be in the know of each other’s plans, avoid doing things double and collaborate where possible.

We plead for better living circumstances in shelter locations, faster asylum procedures and a better and fairer European migration policy with regards to the transfer to other (European) countries. Thousands of people have been waiting for months, sometimes years, in uncertainty and insecurity, unsure of their fate, inside an inhumane camp. We believe in the importance of establishing a faster process and being able to tell people where they stand. Besides this the living conditions in the shelter locations need to be urgently improved, including access to medical care, food and drink, safety and a roof over one’s head; basic needs in life which are currently seriously violated. Finally, we plead for relocation. Too many people are having to wait for too long in a camp that is not meant for waiting. The camps on the Greek islands were meant as a transfer location. It is key that all countries in the European Union take their responsibility and work together towards an adequate asylum- and migration approach. It cannot be the case that only countries on the borders of Europe end up paying for the shelter and care of refugees. If we’d be able to divide this shelter and care in the right way, like what the EU-Turkey deal was meant to do, there would be no crisis today.

Unfortunately, the ultimate solution is not in the hands of an organization like us. The real change needs to come from the political world. We will do everything we can to influence this, by taking part in working groups and human rights initiatives. Together with other NGOs we will continue to raise the flag with governments and agencies as long as we need.

It is clear by now that our work does not have a ‘suction effect’. For comparison: building hospitals doesn’t stimulate people to become sick. The poor conditions in the Greek camps are common knowledge and yet people continue to make the crossing. The way this situation is currently being approached is in serious violation with human rights. Everyone has a right to basic needs in life like medical care, and we consider it our duty as (medical) professionals to provide this.

Boat Refugee Foundation runs on funds and (private) donations. As a foundation we do not receive government subsidies. Financial and material donations are not compensated in any way. Donations are made voluntarily and not linked to any agenda.

Boat Refugee Foundation has several employees. Besides this the foundation relies on an inspiring team of volunteers, in the Netherlands and in Greece. Volunteers are not compensated for their work and they cover the majority of their costs themselves. The supervisory board also works on a voluntary basis.

We value financial transparency. You can find our expenses and income in the annual reports on our website. In case you have any questions about our financials, please reach out to us.

As an NGO our organisation is registered in Greece at the chamber of commerce. You can find the Greek translation of the statutes of the Dutch entity here.

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